Crab Fest-Procurement team

Notre Dame High School

We are looking for people to join our Crab Fest procurement team! This involves soliciting businesses for items for our Crab Fest raffle baskets. Solicitation volunteers will have the support of the Notre Dame Events Coordinator and the Crab Fest Procurement lead. Solicitation can be done on your own time and at your own pace between now and mid January, 2025, when we'll begin assembling our raffle baskets. This is a great job for someone who has time to make follow up phone calls to businesses, or who likes to be out and about and can carry some of Notre Dame's Crab Fest donation forms with them. Notre Dame staff will reach out to you with more information once you have signed up to help.

For questions, please contact Elizabeth Cabral, Events Coordinator, at

Crab Fest-Procurement team
How You Can Help
Hold a Position (1)
Position Dates Need
Crab Fest procurement support Aug 19, 2024 - Jan 27, 2025 6